$Id$ This directory contains a test server and some test web pages for the browser swarmlet host. To run the test, first run the test server on your local host from this directory (accessors/web/hosts/browser/test): node testServer.js & Then point your browser to test HTML files on the localhost, as detailed below. 1) For a simple test web page, point your favorite browser to http://localhost:8089/hosts/browser/test/testWebPage.html 2) For a more elaborate page where you can instantiate all accessors in the library, point your browser to: http://localhost:8089/hosts/browser/test/testAccessorDirectory.html The test library there is particularly useful for testing. 3) Other tests in this directory: http://localhost:8089/hosts/browser/test/manual/httpClient/testCORS.html http://localhost:8089/hosts/browser/test/manual/httpClient/testJSONP.html http://localhost:8089/hosts/browser/test/manual/httpClient/testREST.html http://localhost:8089/hosts/browser/test/manual/httpClient/testWeather.html The testWeather.html page requires keys to access online geocoder and weather services. See keys.README.txt. This test server will serve any files in the accessors repo that are referenced using '/accessors/...'. You can also reference accessors by their standard names, e.g. 'net/REST'. Start the server in this directory, so that it can find the root accessors directory at ../../../ Documentation ============= To get the documentation for the accessors, you may need to generate the documentation in your local copy of the accessors repo: cd ../../.. ant If you don't have a copy of the accessors repo (then you probably can't see this file), you can get it using: svn co https://repo.eecs.berkeley.edu/svn/projects/terraswarm/accessors/trunk/accessors Comments and suggestions to eal@eecs.berkeley.edu.