Optimal Architecture Synthesis for Aircraft Electrical Power Systems(EPS)
Nikunj Bajaj, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

Nikunj Bajaj, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. "Optimal Architecture Synthesis for Aircraft Electrical Power Systems(EPS)". Talk or presentation, 13, February, 2014; Poster presented at the 2014 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium.

Optimal design of Electrical Power System(EPS) simultaneously satisfying safety, reliability and real-time performance constraints is a challenging task. In this work, we propose two optimization oriented design methodologies to synthesize a reliable-by-construction EPS topology with minimal cost and complexity. The first methodology uses a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) Modulo Reliability approach to generate topologies, given a set of connectivity and power flow constraints. The optimizer is placed in a loop with a reliability analysis routine, which evaluates the failure probability of the critical loads and implements several strategies that provide suggestions to the optimizer to improve the reliability of the topology, in case the requirements are not met. In the second methodology, we generate a linear symbolic expression of the reliability constraints using an approximate reliability algebra. Reliability constraints are then used together with connectivity and power flow constraints in a plain MILP optimizer to obtain an optimal architecture.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Nikunj Bajaj, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. <a
    Architecture Synthesis for Aircraft Electrical Power
    Systems(EPS)</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  13,
    February, 2014; Poster presented at the <a
    >2014 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium</a>.
  • Plain text
    Nikunj Bajaj, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Alberto
    Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. "Optimal Architecture
    Synthesis for Aircraft Electrical Power Systems(EPS)".
    Talk or presentation,  13, February, 2014; Poster presented
    at the <a
    >2014 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium</a>.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Nikunj Bajaj and Pierluigi Nuzzo and Alberto
        title = {Optimal Architecture Synthesis for Aircraft
                  Electrical Power Systems(EPS)},
        day = {13},
        month = {February},
        year = {2014},
        note = {Poster presented at the <a
                  >2014 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium</a>.},
        abstract = {Optimal design of Electrical Power System(EPS)
                  simultaneously satisfying safety, reliability and
                  real-time performance constraints is a challenging
                  task. In this work, we propose two optimization
                  oriented design methodologies to synthesize a
                  reliable-by-construction EPS topology with minimal
                  cost and complexity. The first methodology uses a
                  Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) Modulo
                  Reliability approach to generate topologies, given
                  a set of connectivity and power flow constraints.
                  The optimizer is placed in a loop with a
                  reliability analysis routine, which evaluates the
                  failure probability of the critical loads and
                  implements several strategies that provide
                  suggestions to the optimizer to improve the
                  reliability of the topology, in case the
                  requirements are not met. In the second
                  methodology, we generate a linear symbolic
                  expression of the reliability constraints using an
                  approximate reliability algebra. Reliability
                  constraints are then used together with
                  connectivity and power flow constraints in a plain
                  MILP optimizer to obtain an optimal architecture. },
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/270.html}

Posted by Nikunj Bajaj on 18 Feb 2014.
Groups: tools

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