Robust State Estimation in the Presence of Sensor and Actuator Attacks
Miroslav Pajic, George Pappas

Miroslav Pajic, George Pappas. "Robust State Estimation in the Presence of Sensor and Actuator Attacks". Talk or presentation, September, 2014; Poster presented at the TerraSwarm 2014 Security and Privacy Workshop, Rochester, NY.

The interaction between information technology and physical world makes Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) vulnerable to malicious attacks beyond the standard cyber attacks. This has motivated the need for attack-resilient state estimation. Yet, the existing state-estimators are based on the non-realistic assumption that the exact system model is known. Consequently, in this work we present a method for state estimation in presence of attacks, for systems with noise and modeling errors. When the the estimated states are used by a state-based feedback controller, we show that the attacker cannot destabilize the system by exploiting the di erence between the model used for the state estimation and the real physical dynamics of the system. Furthermore, we describe how implementation issues such as jitter, latency and synchronization errors can be mapped into parameters of the state estimation procedure that describe modeling errors, and provide a bound on the state-estimation error caused by modeling errors. This enables mapping control performance requirements into real-time (i.e., timing related) speci cations imposed on the underlying platform. Finally, we illustrate and experimentally evaluate this approach on an unmanned ground vehicle case-study.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Miroslav Pajic, George Pappas. <a
    State Estimation in the Presence of Sensor and Actuator
    Attacks</i></a>, Talk or presentation, 
    September, 2014;  Poster presented at the <a
    >TerraSwarm 2014 Security and Privacy Workshop</a>,
    Rochester, NY.
  • Plain text
    Miroslav Pajic, George Pappas. "Robust State Estimation
    in the Presence of Sensor and Actuator Attacks". Talk
    or presentation,  September, 2014;  Poster presented at the
    >TerraSwarm 2014 Security and Privacy Workshop</a>,
    Rochester, NY.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Miroslav Pajic and George Pappas},
        title = {Robust State Estimation in the Presence of Sensor
                  and Actuator Attacks},
        month = {September},
        year = {2014},
        note = { Poster presented at the <a
                  >TerraSwarm 2014 Security and Privacy
                  Workshop</a>, Rochester, NY.},
        abstract = {The interaction between information technology and
                  physical world makes Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
                  vulnerable to malicious attacks beyond the
                  standard cyber attacks. This has motivated the
                  need for attack-resilient state estimation. Yet,
                  the existing state-estimators are based on the
                  non-realistic assumption that the exact system
                  model is known. Consequently, in this work we
                  present a method for state estimation in presence
                  of attacks, for systems with noise and modeling
                  errors. When the the estimated states are used by
                  a state-based feedback controller, we show that
                  the attacker cannot destabilize the system by
                  exploiting the dierence between the model used
                  for the state estimation and the real physical
                  dynamics of the system. Furthermore, we describe
                  how implementation issues such as jitter, latency
                  and synchronization errors can be mapped into
                  parameters of the state estimation procedure that
                  describe modeling errors, and provide a bound on
                  the state-estimation error caused by modeling
                  errors. This enables mapping control performance
                  requirements into real-time (i.e., timing related)
                  specications imposed on the underlying platform.
                  Finally, we illustrate and experimentally evaluate
                  this approach on an unmanned ground vehicle
        URL = {}

Posted by Miroslav Pajic on 18 Sep 2014.
Groups: services

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