A Secure Network Architecture for the Internet of Things Based on Local Authorization Entities
Hokeun Kim, Benjamin Mehne, Armin Wasicek, Edward A. Lee

Hokeun Kim, Benjamin Mehne, Armin Wasicek, Edward A. Lee. "A Secure Network Architecture for the Internet of Things Based on Local Authorization Entities". 2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud, August 2016.

Security is essential to enable the Internet of Things (IoT). Key security measures that work well on the traditional Internet, however, do not adapt well to the IoT. Specifically, authentication and/or authorization based on certificates provided by certificate authorities cannot, in current form, scale to the expected 50 billion devices. And widely used encryption technologies for the Internet require too much energy for resource-constrained devices. This paper describes a secure network architecture with key distribution mechanisms using local, automated authorization entities. The architecture provides security guarantees while addressing IoT-specific issues including resource constraints. By evaluation, we show that the architecture's overhead scales sub- linearly and works well with resource-constrained devices.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Hokeun Kim, Benjamin Mehne, Armin Wasicek, Edward A. Lee.
    >A Secure Network Architecture for the Internet of Things
    Based on Local Authorization Entities</a>,
    <i>2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on Future
    Internet of Things and Cloud</i>, August 2016.
  • Plain text
    Hokeun Kim, Benjamin Mehne, Armin Wasicek, Edward A. Lee.
    "A Secure Network Architecture for the Internet of
    Things Based on Local Authorization Entities".
    <i>2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on Future
    Internet of Things and Cloud</i>, August 2016.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Hokeun Kim and Benjamin Mehne and Armin Wasicek
                  and Edward A. Lee},
        title = {A Secure Network Architecture for the Internet of
                  Things Based on Local Authorization Entities},
        journal = {2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on Future
                  Internet of Things and Cloud},
        month = {August},
        year = {2016},
        abstract = {Security is essential to enable the Internet of
                  Things (IoT). Key security measures that work well
                  on the traditional Internet, however, do not adapt
                  well to the IoT. Specifically, authentication
                  and/or authorization based on certificates
                  provided by certificate authorities cannot, in
                  current form, scale to the expected 50 billion
                  devices. And widely used encryption technologies
                  for the Internet require too much energy for
                  resource-constrained devices. This paper describes
                  a secure network architecture with key
                  distribution mechanisms using local, automated
                  authorization entities. The architecture provides
                  security guarantees while addressing IoT-specific
                  issues including resource constraints. By
                  evaluation, we show that the architecture's
                  overhead scales sub- linearly and works well with
                  resource-constrained devices.},
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/701.html}

Posted by Elizabeth Coyne on 30 Nov 2015.
Groups: tools

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