Differentially Private Filtering
Jerome Le Ny, George Pappas

Jerome Le Ny, George Pappas. "Differentially Private Filtering". IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 59(2):341-354, February 2013; To appear in February 2014 (prepress).

Emerging systems such as smart grids or intelligent transportation systems often require end-user applications to continuously send information to external data aggregators performing monitoring or control tasks. This can result in an undesirable loss of privacy for the users in exchange of the benefits provided by the application. Motivated by this trend, this paper introduces privacy concerns in a system theoretic context, and addresses the problem of releasing filtered signals that respect the privacy of the user data streams. This approach relies on a formal notion of privacy from the database literature, called differential privacy, which provides strong privacy guarantees against adversaries with arbitrary side information. Methods are developed to approximate a given filter by a differentially private version, so that the distortion introduced by the privacy mechanism is minimized. Two specific scenarios are considered. First, the notion of differential privacy is extended to dynamic systems with many participants contributing independent input signals. Kalman filtering is also discussed in this context, when a released output signal must preserve differential privacy for the measured signals or state trajectories of the individual participants. Second, differentially private mechanisms are described to approximate stable filters when participants contribute to a single event stream, extending previous work on differential privacy under continual observation.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Jerome Le Ny, George Pappas. <a
    >Differentially Private Filtering</a>,
    <i>IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control</i>,
    59(2):341-354, February 2013; To appear in February 2014
  • Plain text
    Jerome Le Ny, George Pappas. "Differentially Private
    Filtering". <i>IEEE Transactions on Automatic
    Control</i>, 59(2):341-354, February 2013; To appear
    in February 2014 (prepress).
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jerome Le Ny and George Pappas},
        title = {Differentially Private Filtering},
        journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
        volume = {59},
        number = {2},
        pages = {341 - 354},
        month = {February},
        year = {2013},
        note = {To appear in February 2014 (prepress).},
        abstract = {Emerging systems such as smart grids or
                  intelligent transportation systems often require
                  end-user applications to continuously send
                  information to external data aggregators
                  performing monitoring or control tasks. This can
                  result in an undesirable loss of privacy for the
                  users in exchange of the benefits provided by the
                  application. Motivated by this trend, this paper
                  introduces privacy concerns in a system theoretic
                  context, and addresses the problem of releasing
                  filtered signals that respect the privacy of the
                  user data streams. This approach relies on a
                  formal notion of privacy from the database
                  literature, called differential privacy, which
                  provides strong privacy guarantees against
                  adversaries with arbitrary side information.
                  Methods are developed to approximate a given
                  filter by a differentially private version, so
                  that the distortion introduced by the privacy
                  mechanism is minimized. Two specific scenarios are
                  considered. First, the notion of differential
                  privacy is extended to dynamic systems with many
                  participants contributing independent input
                  signals. Kalman filtering is also discussed in
                  this context, when a released output signal must
                  preserve differential privacy for the measured
                  signals or state trajectories of the individual
                  participants. Second, differentially private
                  mechanisms are described to approximate stable
                  filters when participants contribute to a single
                  event stream, extending previous work on
                  differential privacy under continual observation. },
        URL = {http://terraswarm.org/pubs/83.html}

Posted by Mila MacBain on 25 Jul 2013.

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