ESP: Rapid Prototyping of Machine Learning for Real-Time Swarm Applications
David Mellis, Ben Zhang, Audrey Leung, Bjoern Hartmann

David Mellis, Ben Zhang, Audrey Leung, Bjoern Hartmann. "ESP: Rapid Prototyping of Machine Learning for Real-Time Swarm Applications". Talk or presentation, 26, October, 2016; Poster presented at the 2016 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting.

Our Example-based Sensor Predictions system (ESP) supports rapid prototyping of machine learning for real-time IoT sensor data. ESP users author domain-specific machine learning pipelines in C++ using a general-purpose machine learning library and provide domain-specific heuristics. The ESP interface then allows for rapid experimentation with these pipelines in the context of a larger swarm system. This includes collection of training data, tuning of pipeline parameters, and visualization of data and predictions. This supports the rapid prototyping of new interactive swam applications that make use of machine learning.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    David Mellis, Ben Zhang, Audrey Leung, Bjoern Hartmann.
    Rapid Prototyping of Machine Learning for Real-Time Swarm
    Applications</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  26,
    October, 2016; Poster presented at the <a
    >2016 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
  • Plain text
    David Mellis, Ben Zhang, Audrey Leung, Bjoern Hartmann.
    "ESP: Rapid Prototyping of Machine Learning for
    Real-Time Swarm Applications". Talk or presentation, 
    26, October, 2016; Poster presented at the <a
    >2016 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.
  • BibTeX
        author = {David Mellis and Ben Zhang and Audrey Leung and
                  Bjoern Hartmann},
        title = {ESP: Rapid Prototyping of Machine Learning for
                  Real-Time Swarm Applications},
        day = {26},
        month = {October},
        year = {2016},
        note = {Poster presented at the <a
                  >2016 TerraSwarm Annual Meeting</a>.},
        abstract = {Our Example-based Sensor Predictions system (ESP)
                  supports rapid prototyping of machine learning for
                  real-time IoT sensor data. ESP users author
                  domain-specific machine learning pipelines in C++
                  using a general-purpose machine learning library
                  and provide domain-specific heuristics. The ESP
                  interface then allows for rapid experimentation
                  with these pipelines in the context of a larger
                  swarm system. This includes collection of training
                  data, tuning of pipeline parameters, and
                  visualization of data and predictions. This
                  supports the rapid prototyping of new interactive
                  swam applications that make use of machine
        URL = {}

Posted by David Mellis on 28 Oct 2016.
Groups: pw

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